The Grind of Mining Silver
Magic Number 102
At this stage of the game you will focus on ONE ORE. --==SILVER==--
Now keep in mind your goal is to mine the PRICY ORES. See the main page on mining for specific ores.
Finding large ammounts of silver is not easy and will be competitive. Frankly its easier to buy silver ore and silver bars for your engineering recipes. BUT You and I are not about that.
There are shortcuts though. I truly suggest you do this with a MAGE. Mages make your life easier because they can port themselves everywhere.
Silverr ore will require we head back and make sure we get trained. Use the map of the city Ironforge . The trainer for the mining profession is circled in red. If you chat with a guard, you can get the guard to direct you to the mining profession. You need to head back to Ironforge or if you prefer Stormwind and get trained to mine Silver. Either way if you get lost finding a trainer talk to a guard.
Mining silver is going to be a bit of a grind. So again pour yourself several stiff drinks, and if possible grab a friend or at least start a conversation in your guild to keep you going. Mining silver is a next level grind.
You will find it in Northern Stranglethorn, Feralas and Hillsbrad Foothills. I play mostly Alliance and in the Eastern Kingdoms so the closest ally friendly zone is Northern Stranglethorn. I put a map below.
Lets switch gears a bit and head south down to Stormwind Way, I will take all of my Copper and Tin and smelt it all in order to level up my mining. Then head into the deep south with my mage to grind out the Silver ore. To do this efficiently I may have to pull some tricks.
Take another look at this tree.
The ores we mine we can smelt and therefore level up our mining.
Smelt Bronze only
Enchanted Thorium Bar (Smelting Only)
Dark Iron
And special Skill Smelt Dark Iron bars
Closeup screenshot of the above list from above.