Your hard drive stores all your software, data games, applications and operating system when your computer system is powered down.

When you turn your machine on the computers processors load up the operating system that you will be using ( usually windows and definitely in the case of this how to_ Since you hard drive is responsible for loading and saving your games and apps and data the faster the speed of your hard drives the better. An SSD is had drive that does not use a disk but innstead uses chips to save your game and load your game when the system is powered down.

Computer chip hard drives are much much faster than the older disk based storage systems. An SSD especially an NVMe type hard SSD drive system will immensly speed up the execution of your games like World of Warcraft.

The older hard drives of the past use disks to store data.  As such the older drives took an age and forever to spin up to writing and reading speed and then more time to read or write your current data to and from that disk.  The NVMe type SSD drives are super fast compared to the disks. They load the data from a chip like drive onto the ram that executes the game while the system is on.

Now if your video game is truly huge , and or the data in thegame is huge like it is in World of Warcraft it can take an age and a half to load and exit the game as you game data is loaded or saved. This is why on premium gaming rigs like the Alienware Aurora they will stick with PURE NVMe storage drives.

A large NVMe SSD drive with a minimum size of 512 gigabytes as of 2024 , is the minimum large drive to hold both your Windows 11 operating system , and at least one A list game like World of Warcraft.  If you are short on your random access memory , your system may have to swap in and out large games to the hard drive. In such a case a NVMe hard drive is a must.

Regardless,  I would suggest a minimum of 512 gb of NVMe hard drive space as your primary drive for your system.

You can always at a later date, add more NVME hard drives to your system and do away with all old traditional hard disk storage.
The NVMe ( hard drive on a fast chip) is the pricy but extremely fast kind of hard drive you want t on your gaming machine. Get the biggest you can get, BUT, if money is tight dont settle for anything smaller than 512mb. A 523 Mb NVMe will run you about 75$. You can always add more later.
Some NVMe Hard dirves and current 2024 prices.
1 TB NVMe     80$
2 TB NVMe     129$
3TB  NVMe     190$
4TB  NVMe     240$